Saturday, May 17, 2014

cleaning status

My first surprise cleaning week is going well! Sorry this is kind of a boring post. But if I don't post, I won't clean. 

Day 1: I cleaned my shower and well that was like 20 minutes but the baby took a two hour nap, yay! Kaboom is my fav cleaner. It even knocks out the nasty dog slobber on the downstairs slider I can't get off with Windex. Totally worth the lightheadedness! ;) Not a fan of the smell either but hey, if it works, it works. Plus the more I clean these areas, the less time they will take to get clean the next time around. This shower hasn't been cleaned in about 7 months or so. I hope I am making you feel better about your dirty house :) That is my goal. 

Day 2: I vacuumed the hall and office. That was pretty easy. I did have to pick up toys and bags etc. in order to vacuum so that took an extra few minutes. It was like a 15 minute job. And the office is always cluttered but the carpet is vacuumed! 

Day 3: I cleaned the bathroom counters and toilet. I also got crazy and windexed the mirror which was not part of the 10 minute job for the day. yesss.

That's it for week 1! I had my sister's graduation Friday and I started this cleaning thing Tuesday so 3 days is all I could do. Next week my goal is 5 days of 10 minute jobs! We will see how that goes...

I find that when I'm doing the 10 minute chore of the day, I have time to do a bit more. It's hard to stop at just 10 minutes but I have way to many other things to do like feed the kids and dogs and myself...and shower..and pee! 

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