Monday, May 12, 2014

may kid quotes

Winter: (to me) - i'm NOT gonna get a spanking! i'm gonna spank YOU!

My mom was helping me out on Easter by wiping Winter's hiney in the bathroom. Winter bent over and my mom commented on a cute decoration. 
Mom: Oh look at that cute Easter egg.
Winter: That's not an egg grandma, that's poopoo!

Winter: I'm gonna get another orange.
Me: No, you've already had 3
Winter: Okay I'll get one more and then I'll have a time out.
(What do you say to that?)

Winter: (on our drive home) Mama it's soooo tired in here.

Winter: Can I go to sleep in your bed tonight? 
Me: No
Winter: But your bed is in my heart...

Mya: Knock knock who is it?
Winter: Happy birthday come in my house!
(Makes no sense)

Mya: (giggling histerically and trying to say the blessing) Dear Jesus...I'm too silly to pray! I caaaan't stahahahahop hahahahaha!

Mya: Mommy why are you so fusserstated?

Mya: Mommy, when you are trying to go fast, you should go slow so you don't forget stuff. (Profound)

Mya: (saying the blessing for breakfast) Please help baby not to cry anymore and please don't let her bite mommy's boobies anymore too.

(Mya opens the door and joins me in the bathroom)
Me: Can I help you?"
Mya: (with a smile) Yes. can help me color...

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