Saturday, May 24, 2014


Yes it is boring to show these silly milestones like baby's first carrots. But I feel kind of a sense of duty having a blog. One day Adelyn may want to see this... 

She's nearly 6 months and VERY interested in food. She's always been an aggressive eater. I had pretty sore nipples for a couple of months when I started nursing her. Addie's baby zest for life has already amazed me. I think she's going to be one of those people who sees the fun in everything... like eating for instance :)

She has always intensely stared at me while I eat so I started sharing my applesauce and then my avocados. She insanely loved both. A friend gave me a bunch of carrots, green beans and squash baby food because her son wouldn't eat it. I had a hunch that Addie wouldn't care what it was she was eating as long as it was food. So here's a carrot play by play.

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