Saturday, May 31, 2014


Mya had a "spring sing" program the day before school ended. I thought it was kind of weird to do a spring concert so close to the end of school, but whatever. It did not occur to me AT ALL that it was a graduation ceremony for preschool. I didn't even know you "graduated" from preschool... Apparently it's a big deal. I brought my mom with me to help with Winter and the baby. Dan worked. I thought it was weird that Winter wasn't in the program because she goes to the same preschool but they said it was just for Pre-K. Okay... 

I saw a bunch of people with balloons and flowers for their kids in the program. I thought that was a bit much for a "Spring Sing" but ya know, to each their own. They had a slide show of all the kids throughout the year accompanied by songs that were very moving. Then the kids sang a few songs. Then at the end they presented them with little diplomas and bibles. I thought, how clever to kill two birds with one stone, give them little diplomas for completing another year of preschool at the same time as the "Spring Sing." 

I'm thinking maybe if they named it something else, people like me (in their own little mommy world) would realize what kind of program this was, a graduation ceremony.

Someone asked me the next day if Mya had a graduation program. I said, "No, but they did have a little concert type thing yesterday... and come to think of it, they did give them diplomas at the end... Was that what that was?!" 

I'm glad I ordered a video! This was a momentous occasion and I could have nothing to show for it! Shoot, that reminds me, I gotta pay for that video today...

I'm hoping this bonehead mommy stage is not permanent. I've heard it is... And I was already kind of a bonehead before I became a mom. I'm screwed.

This was the official last day of preschool for the girls. 
These are Mya's teachers, Mrs. Gloria (the seasoned pro on the left) and Mrs. Heide (the Uber sweet encourager) They're pretty awesome :) They make a great team. I am going to miss having Mya in such a great Christian environment. She really loved this school and the teachers. 

This is Winter's teacher. I LOVE Miss Monica. I was worried about how Winter would do in a school setting. I was expecting reports of bullying, not listening and potty accidents. Winter did really well this year and Miss Monica loves her. She appreciates her for the stong-willed little firecracker that she is, and that means so much to me. Winter loves her too. She lists her in her friends when asked who her friends are at school. Sometimes she says she's her best friend :)

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