Wednesday, May 28, 2014

memorial day

Memorial Day with the fam. It always seems like we should sit around and be sad for those who lost their lives defending our country, but I think if those brave men and women were still alive, they would be celebrating with their families... so here we are, celebrating those awesome people:

My mom is such a baby professional. She can put any baby to sleep anytime, anywhere. I remember when she came over when Mya was just a few days old and was talking to me while rocking her and she was asleep in like 3 minutes. I was like, "Seriously Mom, how did you do that?" 

I just wanted a nice picture with my girls...

This is baby "Efan" (Ethan) He fell asleep to my sister's disney music blaring in the backround. The boat and the rocking were just too much for his sleepy eyes to take. It was funny watching him try to fight it for a long time. Finally he was out. 

How cute are these cousins with their arms on each other...

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