Wednesday, November 19, 2014

adventures in groceryland

When I started this blog, I had no idea I would have so much to write about. But when you have kids, everything changes. A routine trip to the grocery store, browsing the isles, checking out the good deals becomes a few minutes in hell when you have children with you. I always think every time I go with the girls is going to be different for some reason. Maybe I forget the last trip or it's just positive thinking.

Today at home was one of my not so good days. I must have yelled (loud and angry outbursts) 20 times. On a normal day I yell maybe 5 or 6 times. I guess that's how I gauge my days? I decided to take Winter and the baby with me to Ralph's. We never go to Ralph's so I thought it would be a nice little outing for her. And when we walked in she said, "Mommy it's SO PRETTY in here! 

Every time we go to the store, I ask Winter, "What's the rule?" And she responds "Don't touch ANYTHING!" And I say "right." Yet when we get in the store, she touches EVERYTHING. She picks up at least 5 stuffed animals, a few dolls, some toys and some odd food items with cartoon characters on them. She even puts random stuff in my basket. It's not even fun stuff like candy or juice. She throws in things like sour cream, pasta, soup...whatever she thinks she can get away with in that moment. As soon as I turn my back on the cart, she tosses in another surprise. I'm usually pretty distracted with the baby, trying to keep her happy with snacks.

It's so embarrassing having to give the check out clerk a bunch of items I decided I didn't want at the last minute. I'm like "haha sorry my daughter put this in." I wonder if other people's children do this... I thought I caught everything today but when I got home I found an onion and a can of cheddar cheese soup. Ugh, no idea what to do with the soup. Maybe I'll donate it to those food drives happening this time of year.

Mya didn't go with me this time. She is equally as bad. She wants to steer the cart, put everything in the basket, take everything out, including the eggs, and put it on the moving counter. She's very bossy and throws a fit when I take over her responsibilities.

But Addie is by far the worst one I've ever had to take to the grocery store. She is not allowed up in the front of the cart where the babies sit. She somehow twists around with the seat belt on and stands up and starts dancing. After a couple of comments from worried employees at Target and Vons, I decided that she goes in the back where she can be free to bounce around without any danger of falling out. I just have to keep the eggs and my purse up front with me. 

You see what I mean?! Grocery shopping! This is what it has become. My neighbor friends and I like to text each other when we are going to the store to see if the others need anything because sometimes you would rather go without bread and milk than take these crazy little monkeys to the dreaded grocery store. 

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