Tuesday, November 11, 2014


This past 10 days, we've been sick with the stomach flu and my sister Scarleth came to visit from Honduras (awesome timing) so I've been a little busy to post. 

If you get grossed out easily you may just want to skip this one...

People usually don't talk about this stuff because it's pretty gross. They just say, we had the stomach flu last week and everyone sympathetically says, "Oooooh so sorry for ya. That's the pits." And that's kind of where it ends. Well, if you ever wondered if other people with small children somehow avoided the grossness that comes along with the flu, the answer is no. We sure didn't. This week, I wished for teenagers. At least they can get up and go to the toilet when they're sick. Kids kind of panic and freeze. 

Winter got sick in the middle of the night last week. Dan and I have never really dealt with this kind of thing so we just kind of looked at the mess and shrugged our shoulders. 

Me: What is that?! Is Winter throwing up?
Dan: I don't know! (runs into the girls' bedroom) Ugh gross, uckckck!
Dan: What do I do with it? (vomit covered blanket and sheets) 
Me: I don't know throw it in the washer?
Dan: All of it?
Me: shrugged my shoulders

As he went to throw it all in, somehow he spilled like a gallon of vomit all down the side of the washer and on the floor. 

So after we cleaned Winter and the side of the washer and the floor, washed the pukey blankets etc. there was a bunch of clean puke in the washer. Like a lot. I was hoping it would magically disintegrate and go down the drain but nope. So I decided to vacuum it up. Brilliant right? I know. Then I washed the stuff again, and one more time for good measure. Done.

After a week Dan and I thought we were pretty lucky that no one but Winter got sick. Then a few days ago the baby puked in the car, then Mya followed suit that night. She puked in her sleep and it was all over her face. Nice. Scarleth was sick too but with some kind of bad cold, not the stomach flu.

Mya's so funny. She is such a questioner. She was asking questions while she was puking like, why am I blahh! When am I blahh! I don't want to blahh! Hmm look at that. We expected to be up all night with Mya like we were with Winter but Mya only puked once during the night. She did however keep us informed every hour to tell us she had to pee, her stomach felt better, she didn't want to sleep because she was scared she would throw up again. Then she wanted her vomit covered blanket. Then she wanted a hug. So, yeah we were up all night.

Dan and I have yet to get it but that means nothing. I'll keep you posted. I used to love fall...

And don't worry, I don't have pictures of the grossness but I do have pics of Mya's fabulous hair done by Auntie Scarleth:

We did manage to do some shopping, bike riding at the beach and went out for sushi so the week wasn't a total wash. It's been nice hanging with my sis and catching up too. And it's been so nice to have an extra set of hands to help out with the kids.

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