Saturday, November 22, 2014


It's so easy to get caught up in what I'm not thankful for. It's not a conscious thing, but unfortunately, it's where my mind goes a lot of the time. It's actually work to stop and think about the things I'm thankful for. 

I encourage you to do the same, especially if you're going through a rough time right now. We can all name a ton of things if we think about it.

So just days away from Thanksgiving, and Adelyn's 1st birthday, here are just a few things I'm thankful for today. I am really SO blessed, it's ridiculous. I could name a million things but I only have nap time so here goes:

1. My Dan. We thank God every day for each other. How did I end up with someone so compatible and perfect for me? And we are able to be honest with each other and trust each other. And he loves me like A TON. There are millions of people trying to find their match out there and I got mine. I'm a super lucky girl.

2. Our children. Our beautiful, smart, healthy children. I am thankful for the ability to have children. I know so many who have struggled to get pregnant.  Couples have spent their life savings trying to conceive. It is truly a blessing and a miracle to have 3 and one on the way.

3. My relationship with my mom and siblings. We are so lucky to have each other. We actually enjoy spending time together. I am fully aware that not all families are like mine and I am really thankful to have them. 

4. Dan's job that provides well. We have a nice home and relatively new cars that don't give us trouble. I remember taking my car to the mechanic weekly in my 20's and wishing for a new car. It is such a giant headache having a car that's not dependable and a house that needs constant attention. And my husband's job also allows me to stay home with my kids, something I never even considered an option growing up. I figured I would have to work like my mom did. But I don't and I am thankful for that. I get to witness each milestone and moment because I am here with my girls.

5. A dozen babysitters that go to my church. It may sound silly to be thankful for babysitters but it is so nice to know that these young women are women of God and I know their moms and most of their stories. We trust them with our kids and that's huge. It is a necessity for Dan and I to get out and spend time together. It is one of the things that keeps us going I think.

6. A church family literally down the street. How did we wind up living here in this community (my next reason to be thankful) a mile from the wonderful church we have the privilege of going to? Some of the members have to commute a half hour or so. Some people have moved out of state and are still looking for a church like COD and have made peace with the fact that it is one of a kind. What a blessing. 

7. My WONDERFUL neighborhood. It feels weird to call them neighbors because they are so much more. They are some of our best friends. I could go on and on about the many awesome families that live just a few feet from our family. They are there for us and we are there for them. I let my kids run free and don't worry too much. It's kind of like a gated community so there isn't too much traffic coming in and out. Just the people who live here. My bible study meets just 5 houses down. So nice. 

8. Mya's school. She goes to a public school but her teacher and principal and most of the teachers working there are all Christians and just wonderful ladies. I love it there and hope to send all of my kids there. 

9. I live in Los Angeles CA. I used to want to leave but not anymore. Do you know how many people are dying to live here? Some are in other countries and wish to one day make it over here. Some are in other states and can't afford it. But we live here. I was born here. We may complain about LA but I know I am lucky to live here. The weather is wonderful and we have beaches, mountains, deserts and lakes within hours. And there is SO much to do. I really can't think of a better place to live. 

10. And because we live in the US, we are free to worship God wherever and whenever we please. There are people dying because they have openly admitted to being a Christian...DYING. It's actually happening out there. I don't know if I would have the courage to die for my faith. I have a girls, my husband, my mom and siblings. I can't imagine having to make that choice. Thank the Lord I don't have to.

11. I am thankful for life. There are so many people battling cancer and other deadly diseases. Not just people that have lived their lives but young people too. I was just reading a final blog post from a young mom in England who died of cancer recently. She begged other moms to cherish their little ones and be thankful that we are able to see them grow up because it's not guaranteed. Life is not guaranteed. It may be negative to think that way but it makes me stop and say a prayer of thanks that I have the gift of watching my little ladies grow.

Nap time's over so I'm going to stop here. Thank you Father for your many blessings here on Earth. But thank you most of all for your son who died so that we could live with you in heaven one day. 

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