Sunday, November 16, 2014

what a turkey

Wednesday we went to Winter's preschool's turkey day celebration. Each class sings a couple of songs then we eat a thanksgiving meal together. It's nice. It's nicer when your kid actually stands with their class and participates. 

This is Winter's class. Where's Winter?

She's here next to Daddy with his arms folded across his chest, totally annoyed. This is the first time he was able to make it and she's not even in it.

They started early for some reason and lots of kids were not able to be in it. So after we ate, they decided to do an encore. After getting some food in her belly Winter decided she wanted to sing with her class. It may or may not have had to do with the pumpkin pie I bribed her with. I told her it was only for the kids who sang. Hey, it worked. 

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