Saturday, November 1, 2014


Okay I mentioned this before but I feel that I need to devote an entire post to this. Addie is LOUD. Brain-rattling loud. We don't really allow yelling or screaming at home...or in the car. I just can't deal with it. Sometimes I feel a little guilty depriving them of having fun and being kids but I worry that I may flip out if the noise continues. It's really them I'm protecting, not my ears.

Well look out ears, hear comes Addie, haha get it? Man! Okay, before you listen to this video, turn the speaker all the way up and put it right next to your ear and you may begin to understand what I'm talking about.

I'm hoping this is just a phase. I don't know if I could handle years of this. I'm starting to wish for poor hearing. I just may get it if she keeps yelling in my ear! I've seriously considered wearing earplugs to take the edge off.

She yells when she's happy, sad, hungry, excited... it doesn't end. She yells all day. She's a baby so there's not much I can do besides say, "Addie, seriously, you've gotta stop. Mommy can't think."

Praying for patience...

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