Monday, November 3, 2014

love my fiery one

Last week, after picking Winter up from preschool, she got in the car, pulled down her pants and underwear and went to sit down in her car seat. I yell/laughed at her, "What are you doing?!" I think she was in potty mode?

She laughed and said, "hehe wups, silly me." We laughed for like 5 minutes back and forth. 

I feel like I don't write enough good things about Winter. I just want to clarify that obviously I love her. She is not an easy child but that has nothing to do with the amount of love that I have for her. I'm not sure why God paired Winter and me. Maybe he felt I needed a challenge? 

It's like when I used to run hills during hell week getting ready for Volleyball season. Those hills were not fun. But I felt so much more accomplished and prepared after running up and down them as apposed to just running on flat ground. That really wouldn't have made me feel like I was doing anything at all. Don't get me wrong, after a bunch of hills, that flat ground looked mighty inviting but I still really appreciated working hard and seeing the result; endurance and strength. 

Winter is giving me endurance. She's also a lot of fun. She's the reason I started this blog after all. She was two and oh so draining so I just had to start writing about it. For me on a day to day basis it was hard, but in writing it became amusing and funny. 

I'm hoping she will appreciate these stories later and not read them and think, All mom did was complain about me... 

Well future Winter, you tell me you love me about 20 times a day and I just want you to know that Mommy loves you SOOOOO much, right now just the way you are at 3 years old. (almost 4) You are perfectly feisty and fun. Your dad and I thank God every day for you. 

Big hug and kiss! 

-Your Mommy

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