Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Winter: (at 7:00PM inside the house) Mom, how you get that umbrella? I need it for shade. I'm really hot.

Winter: My mom said I don't have to share today. (reported by her Preschool teacher Ms. Tracy)

Winter: Mom, why do you have make-up all the time? 
Me: Because I want to be pretty like you.
Winter: You have to be little like me if you wanna be pretty.

Winter: Pirates booty?! That's so silly! Pirate's booty booty booty!
Me: Booty is another word for treasure. So pirate's booty is pirate's treasure.
Mya: Yeah, it's like Spanish or something.

Mya: I miss Angela (my niece)
Me: Yeah I know sweetie, we'll have to go to Texas one of these days to visit her.
Mya: I don't want to go to Texas. They speak Spanish.

Me: (looking at a magazine at Vons) Wow, Beyonce doesn't even look black anymore! 
My friend Kady: Ummm that's Shakira Amie. 

I say dumb stuff like that all the time. I should start keeping track of it =)

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