Thursday, January 29, 2015


Who doesn't love a trip to good ol' Trader Joe's? It's kind of my happy place. And there are no children there in my happy place. If I have to bring the baby, it's still nice but not as enjoyable. I just love checking out the new seasonal items and grabbing a sample and a mini coffee. 

I was looking for coffee at Target and mentioned to Mya that they didn't have decaf light roast. A young college dude commented that they had it at Trader Joe's. We started talking about how much we love Trader Joe's. Then he was like, I think I'm just going to go buy some right now and he left the coffee aisle empty handed in search of better options at the best store in the world. I was jealous because it was late in the afternoon and there was no way I had time to go to Trader Joe's before melt down time around 5:00PM when the baby really starts fussing and Winter and Mya fight about anything and everything. Oh well, another day.

I just had to share a couple of my favorite items. 

If you like hummus, you'll love this stuff. I can eat a whole container in one sitting. All I need is a bag of pita chips. I shared some with my 8-year-old neighbor buddy Rylie and she actually asked for some for Christmas =)  

And this sauce is so yummy. I made some pasta for Addie and ate everything she didn't. 

Stay tuned for more of my favorites!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ugh pregnancy

Well, my pregnancy ap informs me that I will be 7 months (28 weeks) on Sunday. I thought I would write about it now since I'll forget by Sunday. 

I would just like to say that pregnancy is not cute. There is nothing cute about it. I'm not even sad that this will be the last time I'm carrying a tiny human in my belly. Okay maybe a little now that I'm writing it. But seriously, it has wreaked havoc on my poor body. A once fit figure has turned quickly into a 20 pound heavier, swollen, achy, varicose vein covered mess. I've outgrown half of my maternity pants so leggings have been my go-to. This always happens. 

Personally, I don't think pregnant ladies are cute unless they are those naturally (annoying) thin women who say they have tried to gain weight but they just can't. But they are super cute when pregnant. The rest of us just look like a tad chubbier version of our old selves with a giant belly. 

Anyway, I guess I'm in the home stretch because that is when I really start complaining about being pregnant. There is about a two month window when it's not so bad. The morning sickness subsides and I get that burst of energy that allows me to organize and get ready for a new addition to the fam. Mine was conveniently during the holidays so that was nice. And the timing is great because flu season will be over by the time the little guy is born. 

Three months to go!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

at home

I don't think we've gone more than 3 days since November without someone in our house getting sick! This is by far the worst season ever. Even the teachers are dropping like flies. Currently, Dan, Mya and Winter have colds and Addie has a fever and a bad cough. I'm taking her to the doctor tomorrow. I think by having one more baby, I'm upping the odds of everyone being sick from October to April next year. 

Oh well, anyway, here's a little bit of what we've been up to lately...

We've been practicing our writing. I used to get "I love you mommy" notes. I kind of miss them. The first one is from Mya. You've probably seen it on Facebook. I thought I'd include it here just because. The 2nd is a note from Winter. She got help from one of the neighbors. Not sure what she's trying to tell me...

Winter still has the same weird sleeping habbits.

Mya is practicing for beauty school. She has requested several times that I get longer hair so she can braid it. I'm working on it. Good thing all of our baby sitters have long hair. 

And poor sick Addie has been super clingy and needy. I haven't been able to get too much done. I don't mind much, only because she is just too adorable.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 (NIV)

How true is this verse? And how freeing. God is telling us to take it one day at a time. Imagine what I could get done today without wasting all of my energy on what happened yesterday or what's going to happen tomorrow or next week or next month or when the baby comes?

I read this a couple of days ago and realized that most of my thoughts are monopolized by the future. Probably because I'm a planner and organizer which is magnified by the new life in my tummy. Planning for a new baby is a huge deal. Even though there isn't much to do I'm always thinking about what is going to happen and change when the little one arrives. And lots will change but it is such a waste of time to think about it. 

It's great to plan. Planning is not a bad thing. It's the pointless worrying I need to avoid. If I need to start doing something now in order for it to be done next week, I can set goals and handle them one day at a time. 

There is so much to do today. I mean a ton. My girls want me to read to them, do homework with them, do crafts with them and take them to the park. They need me to make breakfast, lunch and dinner for them, hug them, discipline them, and talk to them today. They don't care that I was a mean mommy last week. They've totally forgotten about it. The dishes and laundry need to be done today, not tomorrow. The dogs need a walk today, not next week. Dan needs me to be there for him today. I have enough to do today without adding what needs to be done tomorrow.

I'm great at planning what I need to do in order to improve myself tomorrow or next week. I'm going to exercise more, eat healthier, and not eat as much chocolate. Why wait until next week? Today is happening right now, not next week. 

Today, when I'm at the store or driving on the street, it is important to be kind to everyone I come in contact with. I could make a difference in their lives today, and I may not even interact with them ever again. Today, I am a witness. I am a living, breathing, walking bible for some. I am the only example some will get to see Christ. If I think, "I will be nice tomorrow. Today I'm too tired and stressed" what does that say to the nonbeliever who sees me get into my van with my faith, hope and love sticker on the back after yelling at my kids and walking through Vons with a frown on my face? It's a lot of work to show love and kindness every day.

That is why it is important to start my day in prayer and in God's word. Each day is important. Each day has its own problems and I need as much help as I can get in order to get through it in one piece. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Nothing rejuvenates me like getting outside in the fresh air with grass and trees and flowers and wildlife. We went to Descanso Gardens in La Canada yesterday with my mom and some friends. It made me so happy to see Winter running around, getting lost a few times, enjoying nature. That girl just loves dirt. It's icing on the cake if there are flowers and trees and water. I realized that I need to get her out of the house way more than I do. I'm pretty sure she would sit and watch TV all day if I let her. Haven't really tried but have been tempted more and more lately. It's easy to just stay home when I'm tired and there is so much to do. But man she was fun to watch.

Monday, January 19, 2015


I just love these pictures that Dan took this weekend. It almost looks like a professional photo shoot. Unfortunately, we have something like this (a beer pic) with all the girls. Babies just love beer cans and beer bottles for some reason. I hid this empty can from her like 5 times and she kept finding it. Some people have found the baby + beer pics offensive on Facebook so I refrained from posting this time around =) She's not drinking the beer people! It's kind of a shame 'cause these are totally framable pics too. Oh well, for now they will just have to live here on my blog. Maybe I can photoshop some educational toy in place of the beer?

Friday, January 16, 2015


I was doing my bible study late Thursday night before we met Friday morning like I always do and came across this awesome proverb: "Your own soul is nourished when you are kind." Proverbs 11:17. What a great proverb. I know I've read it before but for some reason I needed another reminder. I always try to be kind to others because it's the nice thing to do and it makes people feel good when I am kind to them rather than cranky and mean, especially my kids. 

I've received a few letters from Mya lately. I call them hate mail. She is obviously not good with confrontation so she writes me letters to communicate her feelings. They usually say, "Yur a men (mean) mommy" or "I dot love you." Then later another one that says, "Im sore (sorry)." She even wrote one for Winter when she got a spanking. And even though she's 5 and super sensitive, it got me thinking, I've been pretty cranky and mean a lot of the time lately. I'm not a happy pregnant lady. But I don't need to be mean while correcting the girls. That does nothing but show them it's okay to act that way. And I know that, and have been praying daily to remain calm and kind and not mean because it affects my little girls' hearts. 

However, for some reason, I didn't think about it affecting my own heart. "Your own soul is nourished when you are kind." Not only am I causing others pain when I am mean or in a bad mood, I am causing bad things to happen in my own heart. So yeah, this proverb is going up on the fridge for a while until I can get a hold of this kindness thing. 

I just love the bible. It really is timeless. It was written such a long time ago but everything in it applies to today, right now. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Every January for a few years now, we take advantage of our firefighter discount and spend a morning at Knott's Berry Farm. It's always fun and the girls are getting braver every year. Mya still won't come near snoopy and the other characters and Winter is not a fan of loud noises and dark places but they did go on most of the rides in Camp Snoopy. Addie was not afraid of anything. She's our most daring so far. 

We brought Uncle Bill because we love him and it's always nice to have an extra set of hands. One adult to one kid is a great ratio.

I didn't realize that pregnant women cannot go on ANYTHING, not even the ferris wheel. I did try to sneak on a few rides but the employees caught me. There were a few awkward moments when they would examine my belly and smile at me and nervously ask if I was expecting. I guess I'm showing more than I thought. But it was still a fun morning. 

And Daddy and Uncle Bill stepped up this year and went on most of the rides I could not. They both refused to do the ferris wheel, the KID ferris wheel... something about getting stuck at the top. But Mya was determined to ride it and went with one of the employees.

I think every one's favorite ride was the carousel. Addie was probably the most excited about it. The horse drawn carriage was a close 2nd. The girls go pretty crazy over horses.

kid quotes

Winter can't read yet so she makes up her own words to her birthday cards. The last one she read said "Happy birthday, I love you Winter, it is your birthday, not Myas. Happy birthday."

Winter: Mom, do you have the key to Jason's house? 
Me: What? No, why?
Winter: So I can get in to play with Teddy? (the dog)
Me: No, sweetie I don't have keys to the neighbors' houses.
Winter: Okay... can you get it from Jason when you see him?

Me: I don't like this show. It's not very nice. Pick something else please.
Winter: Okay, can I watch it when you're not here?

Mya: (Trying to close the baby gate) Ugh, this freakin' gate is so lame! (I guess I need to stop saying freakin' and lame)

Me: Is that what you're wearing to school today?
Mya: yeah, it matches cuz this has white and this has white and this has white...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

30 minutes

For a couple of weeks now I've been waking up early and starting my day in prayer and in the Bible. I've always wanted to and although it has taken me years, I finally decided to set my alarm and drag myself out of bed. I am not a morning person and sleeping is by far my favorite activity these days so it is not the best time for me to do this. However, it is the only time I have to do this.

Since I became pregnant, I have noticed a change in my attitude. I have less patience, more anger and am just all around grumpier than usual. One day, I realized I needed help when Mya and I got into it and she came out of her room where I'd sent her a minute prior to tell me that there was a spider in her bed and she couldn't possibly sit in her bed with a spider. I screamed at her to go deal with it and she screamed something back and started wailing uncontrollably. I realized I was being completely unreasonable and out of control and quickly apologized to my poor 5 year old for my behavior and silently vowed to start my day in prayer the next day.

I also talked to my sister-in-law the day before and she informed me that she normally woke up at 4:30 in the morning in order to have tea with my brother, pack his lunch for work and spend time with the Lord before her 4 kids woke up. She is way busier than I am. She home school's. I figured if she can wake up at 4:30AM, I could most certainly wake up 30 minutes earlier than I normally do. 

I cannot tell you the difference between those days when I wake up at 5:30 and the days when I wake up around 6:00. It is night and day. I am disgustingly chipper when the girls come down. They are greeted with a good morning hug rather than a grumpy remark about not having snacks before breakfast. I feel rested and ready to start the day rather than hurried and flustered. I feel encouraged by the things I've read and supported by the Holy Spirit. I have a can-do attitude rather than an attitude of defeat and exhaustion. 

I still don't get up early every morning because the temptation of sleep is too great sometimes and I surrender to my pillow but then I quickly regret it later when I'm snapping at everyone. It is really hard to get up early every morning. Really hard. And I'm not saying I'm an angel when I've started my day in prayer but if I am going to have any chance at all of having a good day, it's a no-brainer. And I have to say that it is so nice when the house is quiet and the sun is coming up. It's very peaceful.

I've been reading the One Year Bible. It breaks up the bible into sections so every day you read some of the New Testament, Old Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. It's only about 10-15 minutes of reading per day. I think that's totally doable. I find that I keep on reading if no on wakes up. The stories in the Old Testament are fascinating and the New Testament is full of awesome teachings and great reminders as to how Jesus wants us to live our lives. Each day, I learn something new. And this isn't the first time I'm reading the Bible. I use an easy translation too. My cloudy mommy brain needs all the help it can get. I have tons of questions so I keep a notebook where I can write them down and look them up later. I also make a note of my favorite verses. 

I strongly urge you to try it. Maybe just give it 7 days and see if you notice a difference in your day. I've never heard anyone say that they wished they hadn't woken up early and spent time with the Lord, however ;) And if you are not a Christian and you've always been a little curious about the Bible, why not poor yourself a cup of coffee or tea, download an ap and check it out? I promise it will not disappoint.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Usually I yell, "Get back in your bed!" after the girls have come out of their room for the umpteenth time an hour after I put them to bed. This time Winter came out for a band aid for a two day old scratch on her arm... but how does one say anything to this?

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Dan and I went in for our ultrasound Monday. We got to find out the sex. We weren't really excited to find out because we just assumed it was a girl and thought it would be pretty cool if it were a boy too, but were sure it was a girl. And we love girls. They are awesome. We mostly just prayed everything looked good and the baby was healthy. So when the tech announced that it was a boy, we were pretty shocked. 

We are both super excited to have a boy and also nervous about this uncharted territory. Dan finally gets to use the name he's been wanting to use since I was pregnant with Mya. She actually has a onesie that says, "Almost Angus." The name is growing on me. I don't know if I can call a baby Angus though... I may just call him buddy, little man, or boy. You've probably already seen this pic on Facebook. I had no idea how excited people were going to get about the little guy. Dan originally got the name from the guitar player, Angus Young from ACDC. It's a pretty cool name for a rocker I suppose...

Yep, there's no mistaking it...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Well we managed to get ourselves back in the ER Monday night. This time it was Addie. She had croup. We're pretty familiar with it since Mya has had it every year around this time. It is still no fun. But our awesome ER nurse friend was able to help us get in pretty quick, get a breathing treatment and a steroid and back to bed by 11:00. This is me trying to entertain her as she gets her breathing treatment. Looking at herself on the phone is always the best distraction. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

mom of the year

If people knew what went on in my home, I may be ashamed. But seeing as I have a blog to share my dirty secrets, I thought I'd confess something... This is privileged information by the way.

Mya is into drinking tea these days. She tried my peppermint herbal tea with honey a few months ago and then again a couple of weeks ago. Now she asks for it daily. Tonight, she left her mug on the coffee table to cool down and went upstairs to get into her jammies. 

I walked into the room to Winter smiling and yelling that the doggie likes tea too! "Ugh, did Otter drink her tea?" I asked Winter. "Uh huh!" She said laughing. I could see the drops of tea all over the table and it looked like she had about 1/3 of the cup. I grabbed a wet wipe and cleaned off the table and sent Winter upstairs to get her jammies on as Mya came back to drink it. 

I didn't say anything and she grabbed the mug and took a sip. "Yummy" she said. I just smiled and asked nervously "You like it?" She would NEVER drink it if she knew the dog had already had some. She's my germophobe. She won't even eat a cookie after Winter has taken a bite. She loves cookies. I'm a horrible mother.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

too cute to throw

Every day, more and more, I am really starting to think that kids start out really cute because they are so flipping frustrating that sometimes you kind of see why there is so much child abuse out there. 

I think God made Winter really cute for her own protection...

Friday, January 2, 2015


I read a blog the other day that really stuck with me. (Tried to find it but can't) I love (and hate) that I still have so much to learn with my 4th on the way. The writer was talking about all the things we don't have time for with little ones... basic things like eating, showering, going to the bathroom and sleeping. 

Eating breakfast becomes a bite here and there while running around packing lunches, feeding dogs and getting the baby a bottle. Showering is a hurried, stressful time wondering what the girls are getting into with the baby banging on the glass and fussing because she wants to be in there with me. Bathroom time is always the best time to ask Mommy questions and tell her your big problems like a missing shoe or the new scratch on your arm, probably because she's cornered and has to listen. And again, the baby is banging on the door because she wants in. Sleep is never more than a few hours at a time and is more interrupted the more kids (and dogs) you have.

The blogger kept saying we'll have our turn later. We can eat later, we can sleep later, we'll have time to put on make-up later. There will come a time in our lives when we will have time to ourselves to take care of the basics we always took for granted before we had kids. 

What we won't have, however, are those moments with the little ones that seem like an eternity when you're in them, then they fly by and you're left wondering where the time went. She was saying basically, it's a trade-off. We are trading in our sleep, leisurely meals and uninterrupted potty breaks for sticky kisses, belly laughs, tiny hands, hundreds of I love you Mommys and memories with those little people that become our world from the moment we see that positive pregnancy test. I've tried really hard to have both and you just can't. Eventually you realize that it is futile and stop trying. Why have I never thought of it that way? I gave those things up when I became a mommy. I traded them in. 

Now is the time to enjoy my little ones and devote every last bit of my time and energy to them because it takes everything I have to meet their needs and love them the way they need to be loved.

This is something that helps me keep a better attitude when I'm annoyed that I can never have more than a sip of hot coffee or a piece of toast that isn't hard from sitting in the toaster for 20 minutes while I tend to everyone else's needs. It's a trade-off and it's worth it. If it wasn't, we would have stopped at Mya ;)

And every once in a while if I'm not too tired, I do get to take a shower in night after everyone is asleep ;)