Wednesday, January 14, 2015

kid quotes

Winter can't read yet so she makes up her own words to her birthday cards. The last one she read said "Happy birthday, I love you Winter, it is your birthday, not Myas. Happy birthday."

Winter: Mom, do you have the key to Jason's house? 
Me: What? No, why?
Winter: So I can get in to play with Teddy? (the dog)
Me: No, sweetie I don't have keys to the neighbors' houses.
Winter: Okay... can you get it from Jason when you see him?

Me: I don't like this show. It's not very nice. Pick something else please.
Winter: Okay, can I watch it when you're not here?

Mya: (Trying to close the baby gate) Ugh, this freakin' gate is so lame! (I guess I need to stop saying freakin' and lame)

Me: Is that what you're wearing to school today?
Mya: yeah, it matches cuz this has white and this has white and this has white...

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