Thursday, January 8, 2015


Dan and I went in for our ultrasound Monday. We got to find out the sex. We weren't really excited to find out because we just assumed it was a girl and thought it would be pretty cool if it were a boy too, but were sure it was a girl. And we love girls. They are awesome. We mostly just prayed everything looked good and the baby was healthy. So when the tech announced that it was a boy, we were pretty shocked. 

We are both super excited to have a boy and also nervous about this uncharted territory. Dan finally gets to use the name he's been wanting to use since I was pregnant with Mya. She actually has a onesie that says, "Almost Angus." The name is growing on me. I don't know if I can call a baby Angus though... I may just call him buddy, little man, or boy. You've probably already seen this pic on Facebook. I had no idea how excited people were going to get about the little guy. Dan originally got the name from the guitar player, Angus Young from ACDC. It's a pretty cool name for a rocker I suppose...

Yep, there's no mistaking it...

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