Saturday, January 24, 2015


"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 (NIV)

How true is this verse? And how freeing. God is telling us to take it one day at a time. Imagine what I could get done today without wasting all of my energy on what happened yesterday or what's going to happen tomorrow or next week or next month or when the baby comes?

I read this a couple of days ago and realized that most of my thoughts are monopolized by the future. Probably because I'm a planner and organizer which is magnified by the new life in my tummy. Planning for a new baby is a huge deal. Even though there isn't much to do I'm always thinking about what is going to happen and change when the little one arrives. And lots will change but it is such a waste of time to think about it. 

It's great to plan. Planning is not a bad thing. It's the pointless worrying I need to avoid. If I need to start doing something now in order for it to be done next week, I can set goals and handle them one day at a time. 

There is so much to do today. I mean a ton. My girls want me to read to them, do homework with them, do crafts with them and take them to the park. They need me to make breakfast, lunch and dinner for them, hug them, discipline them, and talk to them today. They don't care that I was a mean mommy last week. They've totally forgotten about it. The dishes and laundry need to be done today, not tomorrow. The dogs need a walk today, not next week. Dan needs me to be there for him today. I have enough to do today without adding what needs to be done tomorrow.

I'm great at planning what I need to do in order to improve myself tomorrow or next week. I'm going to exercise more, eat healthier, and not eat as much chocolate. Why wait until next week? Today is happening right now, not next week. 

Today, when I'm at the store or driving on the street, it is important to be kind to everyone I come in contact with. I could make a difference in their lives today, and I may not even interact with them ever again. Today, I am a witness. I am a living, breathing, walking bible for some. I am the only example some will get to see Christ. If I think, "I will be nice tomorrow. Today I'm too tired and stressed" what does that say to the nonbeliever who sees me get into my van with my faith, hope and love sticker on the back after yelling at my kids and walking through Vons with a frown on my face? It's a lot of work to show love and kindness every day.

That is why it is important to start my day in prayer and in God's word. Each day is important. Each day has its own problems and I need as much help as I can get in order to get through it in one piece. 

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