Friday, January 16, 2015


I was doing my bible study late Thursday night before we met Friday morning like I always do and came across this awesome proverb: "Your own soul is nourished when you are kind." Proverbs 11:17. What a great proverb. I know I've read it before but for some reason I needed another reminder. I always try to be kind to others because it's the nice thing to do and it makes people feel good when I am kind to them rather than cranky and mean, especially my kids. 

I've received a few letters from Mya lately. I call them hate mail. She is obviously not good with confrontation so she writes me letters to communicate her feelings. They usually say, "Yur a men (mean) mommy" or "I dot love you." Then later another one that says, "Im sore (sorry)." She even wrote one for Winter when she got a spanking. And even though she's 5 and super sensitive, it got me thinking, I've been pretty cranky and mean a lot of the time lately. I'm not a happy pregnant lady. But I don't need to be mean while correcting the girls. That does nothing but show them it's okay to act that way. And I know that, and have been praying daily to remain calm and kind and not mean because it affects my little girls' hearts. 

However, for some reason, I didn't think about it affecting my own heart. "Your own soul is nourished when you are kind." Not only am I causing others pain when I am mean or in a bad mood, I am causing bad things to happen in my own heart. So yeah, this proverb is going up on the fridge for a while until I can get a hold of this kindness thing. 

I just love the bible. It really is timeless. It was written such a long time ago but everything in it applies to today, right now. 

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