Sunday, January 25, 2015

at home

I don't think we've gone more than 3 days since November without someone in our house getting sick! This is by far the worst season ever. Even the teachers are dropping like flies. Currently, Dan, Mya and Winter have colds and Addie has a fever and a bad cough. I'm taking her to the doctor tomorrow. I think by having one more baby, I'm upping the odds of everyone being sick from October to April next year. 

Oh well, anyway, here's a little bit of what we've been up to lately...

We've been practicing our writing. I used to get "I love you mommy" notes. I kind of miss them. The first one is from Mya. You've probably seen it on Facebook. I thought I'd include it here just because. The 2nd is a note from Winter. She got help from one of the neighbors. Not sure what she's trying to tell me...

Winter still has the same weird sleeping habbits.

Mya is practicing for beauty school. She has requested several times that I get longer hair so she can braid it. I'm working on it. Good thing all of our baby sitters have long hair. 

And poor sick Addie has been super clingy and needy. I haven't been able to get too much done. I don't mind much, only because she is just too adorable.

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