Tuesday, January 27, 2015

ugh pregnancy

Well, my pregnancy ap informs me that I will be 7 months (28 weeks) on Sunday. I thought I would write about it now since I'll forget by Sunday. 

I would just like to say that pregnancy is not cute. There is nothing cute about it. I'm not even sad that this will be the last time I'm carrying a tiny human in my belly. Okay maybe a little now that I'm writing it. But seriously, it has wreaked havoc on my poor body. A once fit figure has turned quickly into a 20 pound heavier, swollen, achy, varicose vein covered mess. I've outgrown half of my maternity pants so leggings have been my go-to. This always happens. 

Personally, I don't think pregnant ladies are cute unless they are those naturally (annoying) thin women who say they have tried to gain weight but they just can't. But they are super cute when pregnant. The rest of us just look like a tad chubbier version of our old selves with a giant belly. 

Anyway, I guess I'm in the home stretch because that is when I really start complaining about being pregnant. There is about a two month window when it's not so bad. The morning sickness subsides and I get that burst of energy that allows me to organize and get ready for a new addition to the fam. Mine was conveniently during the holidays so that was nice. And the timing is great because flu season will be over by the time the little guy is born. 

Three months to go!


  1. I promise, I really did try to gain weight ;) hehe. I always think you look adorable & I love your maternity/leggings outfits :)
