Tuesday, January 6, 2015

mom of the year

If people knew what went on in my home, I may be ashamed. But seeing as I have a blog to share my dirty secrets, I thought I'd confess something... This is privileged information by the way.

Mya is into drinking tea these days. She tried my peppermint herbal tea with honey a few months ago and then again a couple of weeks ago. Now she asks for it daily. Tonight, she left her mug on the coffee table to cool down and went upstairs to get into her jammies. 

I walked into the room to Winter smiling and yelling that the doggie likes tea too! "Ugh, did Otter drink her tea?" I asked Winter. "Uh huh!" She said laughing. I could see the drops of tea all over the table and it looked like she had about 1/3 of the cup. I grabbed a wet wipe and cleaned off the table and sent Winter upstairs to get her jammies on as Mya came back to drink it. 

I didn't say anything and she grabbed the mug and took a sip. "Yummy" she said. I just smiled and asked nervously "You like it?" She would NEVER drink it if she knew the dog had already had some. She's my germophobe. She won't even eat a cookie after Winter has taken a bite. She loves cookies. I'm a horrible mother.

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