Monday, November 30, 2015

lil creature

A few nights ago we came home late from my mom's house. I put the girls to bed and unloaded the car. I noticed some toys on the front porch so I picked them up and over my foot hopped a FROG! I have never had a frog encounter... that I can recall. This thing was so huge. It had cheetah like spots. Kind of cool after I got over the initial surprise of a frog hopping over my foot in my driveway at 9:00 at night. I knew Winter would be super into it but I didn't want to wake her up to see it. Soooo after going back and forth with the idea of capturing the poor little guy, I decided to do it. I went inside, grabbed a mason jar and let out little squeals while scooting it into the jar where it tried to hop out eeeek. Gives me heebie jeebies just writing this. I'm not really one for little critters. I decided to put it in a casserole dish so it would have some room to move around. I put the lid on loosely so it could breathe and covered it with something heavy so it wouldn't get away.

The next morning I told the girls I had caught a surprise for them, a living something for them to check out in the backyard. Winter was super excited. Mya was a little unsure. So they both went out and took the lid off of the casserole dish. Winter leaned in closer for a better look and Mya screamed and ran back inside. Ahhhh a frog!!! haha. Why would anyone run away from a frog? That's Mya.

It quickly hopped out onto the grass where it hung out for a while so we could look at it. I told the girls we were not keeping it since Dan said they live in the sewer system usually. Yuck. But still kind of cool. 

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