Wednesday, July 13, 2016

balls and the fish drawer

A bigger part of my day than one would think is spent retrieving balls that have rolled under the couch. Why did I ever let any balls that are smaller than a cantaloupe enter my house? All they do is roll under the couch. All the time. And this guy is the ball's number one fan by far. He loves balls. I guess it's a boy thing. Tennis balls are his favorite. So I can't get rid of them. That would just be cruel. So I throw them in the kitchen far away from the couch but somehow they make their way back to their favorite spot and there I am, once again retrieving balls under the couch... It's not easy either. I have to get out the horse on a stick... you know the one you ride on? It's an old school toy the girls love. It's perfect for retrieving things under the couch like sippie cups, legos, blocks, barbie shoes... balls. We should just cut off the legs so that the couch sits on the floor.

...but who can resist this face? Not me.

When Angus is not rolling balls under the couch, he also enjoys going through the "fish drawer." That's the drawer in the kitchen where Dan keeps all of his fish tank stuff. I'm not really sure what all is in there actually but Angus loves it. Dan hates it. I think it's kind of important to him that it not be all messed up and broken but... what are you gonna do? It makes Angus happy. And in the afternoon not much makes him happy. When he wakes up from his afternoon nap he's just about the grumpiest person ever. So I open the fish drawer and he's happy. Have at it little man. 

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