Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I have a few worst nightmare scenarios. My first involves anything with bees and bee stings and being trapped with bees or bees in my hair... you get it. The second is a giant earthquake hits in the middle of the night and Dan's at work because of course he would work when something like this happens. And I have to grab the kids and get them to safety... all four. And the third is being stranded on the side of the road with all the kids in the summer waiting for a tow truck... and of course Dan's at work. Obviously these things are not the worst things that could happen but they are realistic to me. They may actually happen... at least that's what I tell myself.

So yesterday, we had a cleaning crew come to the house because well, I never ever ever deep clean. Ever. I have never used my mop or the toilet bowl cleaner. Not even sure where those are. There's no way to keep up with the laundry and dishes and poopie diapers and getting snacks and trying to please whining toddlers or fussy babies. There's just no way. I digress. So we had a cleaning crew come to the house today. We do it about twice a year when the filth starts taking over and growing new filth. Ahhhhhh so happy when they come. If you need someone, let me know. My girl is THE BEST. She makes my toaster oven look brand new... and who knew my sink was white?

So anyway I try to stay out of the way, so I left when they got there at 8:00AM. We tried to go to McDonald's even though Dan made me swear I'd never take the kids there. He hates that place with a passion. But I couldn't think of another breakfast place so off we went to McD's only it was bulldozed to the ground. So I tried another one but that one's drive thru was closed so we hit up Farmer Bro's next door. Yum. Seriously good breakfast if you haven't tried it. Quality food.

Then off to the park for a couple of hours with other mamas from church. It helps to have a mom posse when you're a mom. It's hard to do this mom thing without one. After that, we went to the library for about an hour. The babies were getting super cranky so we headed home. I stopped for lunch at In 'N' Out, my favorite establishment. How do they do it? I'll never know. After In 'N' Out we got gas because I'm always out of gas.

I'm not sure why I feel the need to tell you every detail in this day but I do...  All the shaded spots were taken at the gas station so I had to park in a sunny one. It was only about 100 degrees outside but I really needed gas. I debated on waiting for a shady spot but decided to just park in the sun. It would only be for 5 minutes. The kids can hang for 5 minutes in a hot car. And they had In 'N' Out. No problem. So I happily pumped my gas, looking in the window, making faces at my happy children chowing down on cheeseburgers and happy Angus slumbering away. I finished pumping, got back in the car and turned the key... nothing. Click. I laughed and said, haha no way this is happening. I tried again. Click. S#!t S#!t double S#!t! This isn't happening. I could feel the beads of sweat dripping down my forehead. It was hot.

A few bitmoji's come to mind...

(I'm totally obsessed with my Bitmoji ap. It's the greatest thing since smart phones. It allows me to express my feelings in pictures, which is way more fun than words)

Anyway, so the happy kids quickly turned into insanely hot, insanely bored, panicked kids. What's happening mom?! What are we going to do mom?! I'm soooooo hot mom! Not helping.

So I called AAA, then I called MMMari. Good ol' Mari! She totally saved me. Grabbed all the kids, took them home and left me to handle the "deader than dead battery." That's what the guy said. So dead it wouldn't even hold a charge. So I got a new battery and got back home just in time to pay the cleaning crew, put Addie down for her nap and plop down on the couch with a dazed look on my face. No wonder I'm so tired all the time. BUT my house is soooooo clean!!!

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