Friday, July 15, 2016

fitness friday - abundant harvest organics

I just started ordering through this awesome little organization. It is all local farmers' produce that is picked Monday and you pick it up the following Tuesday. It's $25 (five dollars extra for home delivery) for a small box that comes with all of this. I don't work for the company or anything but I love it and thought I should spread the word. 
I like it because I'm supporting local farmers, the produce is awesome quality, it's organic and it's easy to pick up. I just drive down the street to a church parking lot with the kids in tow, grab my box and go. Easy easy. 
I don't know where they distribute but the one I signed up for is in Glendora. The produce changes a little bit every week and it's so fun to see what you get. This week I got kale, lettuce, tomatoes, summer squash, cucumber, watermelon, plums, sweet corn, basil, and onion. 
Sign up at or contact me and I'll put you in touch with a rep who can help you get started. 

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