Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Mya is afraid of puke. I think I've mentioned that before. She was traumatized buy the first time winter had the stomach flu and was up all night puking every hour or so. Mya couldn't sleep through the night for weeks after that. Now, if she here's someone gagging or choking her brain goes back to that terrifying night. Angus chokes on his saliva once or twice a day and starts gagging and of course his big sister is not concerned with the fact that he can't breathe but runs away and plugs her ears just in case he starts to vomit. In her defense it has happened a few times. 

I've gotten used to it and don't really freak out anymore when he can't breathe. I just pick him up and he relaxes and starts breathing normal again. It's so sweet that he feels so safe and relaxed in my arms. Man I love that little guy so much! 

So below, Angus is crying because he was playing with one of the dogs and the dog moved and he almost fell backward... almost. Yeah that's what babies cry about. And so I started to take pictures of him because he looked so pathetic. His cry turned into choking and gagging as it often does. So I quickly took a picture to document it and then picked him up so he could breathe again. Please don't call CPS. I'm a really good mom.

I posted this first pic on Facebook the other day because it is just the best picture of Angus crying that I think I'll ever get. And the outfit, the best. So, all of his clothes are upstairs and his pants got wet so I grabbed a pair of pants in the diaper bag because that's how lazy I am. That's why he's wearing this awesome striped outfit. Wish I could blame it on Mya but I'm all about the honesty around here.

Funny right?

1 comment:

  1. Poor guy. You are a good mommy. Those pictures are so funny.
