Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I have spent more time in my Grandma's pool than any other place I can think of. Every summer growing up I pretty much lived in that pool. I learned to swim in that pool. My brother and sister and cousin and I would play mermaids (and mermen) and tea parties and scuba divers and store... It was there that I learned how to do a flip off of the diving board and got my first bee sting. So many good times and fun memories happened there. My big brother had crazy parties where he and his friends would blast Guns N' Roses and jump off the hot roof into the pool. It's about 50 years old so I'm sure it's seen lots of crazy stuff. It's fun to see my kids enjoy it now. My grandma isn't around anymore but I can still hear her yelling at us for screaming. "The neighbors are going to think you're drowning!" She'd say. The girls and I swam in it today. How fun to see the next generation jump off that diving board. 

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