Sunday, October 6, 2013


Craft #4
DIY Coasters made from kitchen tiles. I made these last year for our craft boutique fundraiser at church. I already had a lot of the supplies so I decided to make them again. Here's the finished product:

Kitchen tiles - $.16 each at the hardware store
Scrapbook paper - found at Michael's, Target and Walmart (prices vary depending on how many sheets you buy)
Mod podge - found at Michael's and Walmart ($5 for a small bottle but such a great investment for all kinds of crafts)
Felt paper - found at Michael's, Walmart or Target (or foam squares found at the $1 store in the school supply section)
Clear spray paint found at the hardware store (about $5)
Something to tie them together like ribbon or string.

I had all of the materials except for the tiles so this craft was $2.56 because I bought 16 tiles. If you have to buy the mod podge, spray paint, paper, tiles and felt squares, this could get a little pricey but once you have everything, you can make 100 coasters! :-) $20 and Christmas presents are done!

Step 1 - Cut scrapbook paper into 4 inch X 4 inch squares. The tiles are a bit bigger so they fit perfectly. Also cut felt paper into 4X4 inch squares to use later. You can make all the coasters the same or chose different patterns with the same color scheme which is what I did.

Step 2 - glue the paper onto the tiles using mod podge. You will then use mod podge to seal the top of the paper once you've glued it to the tile. The mod podge dry's clear. Make sure there are not any air bubbles.

Step 3 - I forgot to take a picture of this step. Sorry! Spray paint the tops of the tiles so they are sealed so you can actually use them as coasters. I laid them out (paper side up) on a giant trash bag cut open. Then sprayed them generously and let them dry in the sun. Once they are dry, you can move on to step 4.
Step 4 - glue felt squares to the backs of the tiles using mod podge.

Final step - Wait for the glue to dry then tie groups of four tiles together with a bow or string. I actually used pieces of fabric I cut up from a dress I'm using for another craft. It was not a cute dress but I love the fabric so I've been putting it to good use.

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