Friday, October 4, 2013

pic frame dry erase board

Craft #3

This isn't a Christmas craft although you could probably make it festive with the right scrapbook paper. It's just something I've been wanting to do for a while and finally got around to doing it.

I got the idea for a dry erase board made from a picture frame off of Pinterest of course. But in the pin, the picture said something like, "I love you because..." and then you are supposed to write a little note. That's sweet and all but I went another direction.

Here's my finished product:

-8X10 picture frame (99 cent store)
-piece of scrapbook paper
-dry erase marker
All together I think I spent about $5 for the picture frame, dry erase markers (pack of 4) and velcro (pack of 16 pieces). I already had the scrapbook paper.

I ripped off the stand part in the back of the frame so it would hang flat. It was pretty easy because the frame is so cheap. I used a piece of scrapbook paper, inserted a pic of my girls and wrote on the paper with a sharpie. I wrote "3 Things" because as mentioned in a previous post, that is my to do list. I wrote "Someone to Bless" because I find that focusing on others improves my attitude. It's not completely selfless ;-) I plan on sending a card, making a meal or doing something else nice for someone different each day. I wrote "Verse or Quote of the Day" because I can always use biblical inspiration or inspiration from someone smarter than me. And finally, "I'm thankful for ______ today." That's always good too.
I used velcro to fasten the frame to the fridge and a dry erase marker to the frame. Now it's on my fridge where I see it several times a day.

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