Tuesday, October 22, 2013

these days

It's the final count down. I'm going to say we have about a month left until we meet baby #3. Wishful thinking but I'm hoping to be 10 days early again. Not sure how women are supposed to raise children while growing them in their belly at the same time. It would be like asking my 89 year old grandmother to take care of my kids. That is how old I feel around 3:00 in the afternoon. She constantly says, "It's hell gettin' old." and I totally feel her pain. My whole body aches and I can barely get up off the floor after reading a story or changing a diaper. (Winter is totally potty trained during the day but frequently saves all her poop for her bedtime diaper. So nice of her.) It takes giant grunts and horrible sounds but eventually I'm standing again. Things I used to take for granted like picking up my girls, walking up the stairs and retrieving sippy cups from under the couch must be done with a self pep talk and extreme effort. I understand that we are designed for this but it just doesn't seem like the best way. I don't have a better one but sitting on an egg sounds pretty reasonable at this point.

Anyway, our normal days are spent getting out of the house, usually going to the park in the morning, enjoying a peaceful naptime then running errands in the new minivan and killing time by going to places like Target or Costco until bedtime. Yes, I have fully accepted motherhood at this point.

I thought I would share some cute pics of the girls more for my sanity than your enjoyment. Looking at pictures like this helps me love them when I want to throw them :-D

I took this at the park yesterday. They both took their shoes and socks off (which they know they aren't allowed to do at the park) and threw them down into the woodchips for me to retrieve but I still could not resist the photo op. 

I took this one after dinner tonight. They went upstairs and changed into their bathing suits so that they could go swimming in the imaginary pool in their bedroom... It's even better than the real thing because they can keep their boots and fancy shoes on.


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