Thursday, October 3, 2013

give me a break

I shared this at GUM (Growing Up Mom) this morning and thought I would post it for those who are not a part of my MOPS group...
Most days, I am so done by the afternoon that I am snippy, sarcastic and just mean to my kids. Yes, they push my buttons but that's really no excuse for my behavior. I usually lose my temper, yell at them and make them cry and then when they are asleep, the guilt starts setting in. I feel bad for not being patient with them and not being a godly mom, whatever that looks like. It can't be what I'm doing.
Yesterday was another trying day. Both of my girls were getting over being sick so they were both super whiney and crying over little nothing things and fighting and just driving me nuts. I went to my Wednesday bible study just feeling defeated and exhausted and not really even wanting to be there. But then as I was sitting and discussing 2nd Peter and listening to prayer requests, it hit me and I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that I need to give myself a break.
None of us are bad moms, however often we may think so. We are all trying. I find myself making small improvements over time and that is something. I am always praying for patience and wisdom and a new attitude.
I think it's easy for us to tell each other we are great moms and offer grace and encouragement, but it's harder for some reason to remind ourselves of that.
The cool thing is that we get to start over each day with help from the Holy Spirit with a new mindset and a fresh attitude.
So let's not forget that we are all good moms who need to give ourselves a little grace because that is what we receive from God through Christ.

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