Monday, April 14, 2014

baby addie

This baby brings me so much happiness. She's stinkin' ADORABLE. I just want to eat her up. I find myself chewing on her ears. I have to stop myself. And sometimes I squeeze her so hard that she burps or farts. Wups. But seriously. Can you even stand it? 

Okay anyway, I thought I would talk about some of the things that she does at 4 months old because I know I'll forget in two months. 

I don't know if these are normal baby things or just Addie things. It's been a while. 

She's teething now. The teeth are almost poking out. I can feel them right underneath the surface. So a lot of what she does is a result of that. Sometimes she opens her mouth really big, looks around for something, anything to bite and finds her fist. She grabs it fast like it's going somewhere and shakes her head. It's pretty funny. I laugh every time. 

She also likes to eat my face, especially when I'm trying to burp her. That doesn't work out well because she ends up burping on my cheek or something. This is a lot of information and I apologize if it bores you. It's more for me than you.

She likes to accidentally grab things then look at the object in amazement because she didn't expect it to be in her hand.

She is the gassiest baby ever. She farts all the time. All the time. It's pretty much a guarantee while I'm feeding her. Dan always asks, "Whoa was that you?" And I'm like, "Um noooo, that was the baby." After she's done eating, she always burps 3 times. Every time. 

She is by far the easiest baby I've ever come in contact with. I try not to brag but this is my blog so I get to, right? She is so good. She sleeps great, eats great, rarely fusses, takes a bottle, takes a pacifier, goes to sleep with minimal effort and smiles a lot. What more is there? She doesn't like the car much but she's getting better. That would be the only area that could use improvement but I'll take it. Her cry is not a bad one. It's very tolerable.

She's my tiniest baby so far. Mya and Winter were always above average in height and weight. Addie has yet to break 50%. She's almost there though.

She rocks a mohawk like the other girls did at her age. They were all born with a full head of hair but slowly lost it from sleeping on it. All but the middle top. Someone asked me if I cut it that way... yeah.

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