Monday, April 7, 2014

black and white

Today, I ventured out with my three little ladies into the wild world of bulk shopping. I actually enjoy going to Costco, especially on a Monday morning before the coupons are valid. It's pretty empty. It was a pretty successful trip. Not too many fights or messes. Mya dropped her hot dog but it went into the cart so that was good. Winter had to go potty of course but no biggie. 

So as we were in line to get our hot dogs, I noticed that there was a lady with two little toddlers in front of us. One was white, one was black. She was white. I knew there would be questions.  And that's fine. These things need to be explained sometimes. As I've said before, Winter loves black people, especially babies. She will spot them wherever we go. 

As we were in line talking about why we were eating hot dogs for lunch instead of ice cream, Winter said, "Is that your baby?" to the lady behind me. She was asking if the baby in front of us belonged to her since she obviously did not belong to the white lady. The lady behind us had darker skin so it made sense. I turned around and nervously laughed and smiled. The lady behind me did not. 

"No sweetie that's not her baby." I said to Winter quietly. She ignored me and asked louder, "Is that your baby over there?" This time with pointing. She still got no response from the grump behind us. "Winter, those two girls are her babies. She's the mommy." I said. "Sometimes babies don't look like their mommies." It was the best explanation I could give a 3 year old without going into the whole adoption process. Then I offered her a snack and she took it and dropped the subject. 

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