Thursday, April 17, 2014

lemons into lemonade

Lately, I have been in a bit of a zombie state. I don't know if I'm tired or my brain is wearing out. I'm relatively young for the latter but I get a good amount of sleep each night. Either way, I know that I am better than this cloud of mommy I've become. It's still early on so I will just blame it on having a newish-born.

Today I started emptying the dishwasher by stacking the plates on the counter to put them away. I went to wipe some one's butt, washed my hands then started putting the plates back in the dishwasher. Ugh. No wonder it takes me so long to get anything done.

Last week, I was fixing Mya and Winter their favorite breakfast, waffles and eggs. I put the waffle and eggs on the plate, added a few berries, cut everything into manageable pieces and began putting a generous amount of 100% maple syrup on the eggs. It didn't occur to me that something was off until I set the plate in front of Mya. 

I didn't have the energy to pretend I meant to put syrup on the eggs instead of the waffles and get her all excited about it like I sometimes do when I mess up. I just let out a sigh and said, "Oh Mya, I'm so sorry, I put syrup on your eggs." I waited for some fussing and prepared to make another egg when she surprised me by saying, "Ooooh I love syrup. This is gonna be so yummy!" She proceeded to eat everything with a smile. 

What a great attitude she has! I could definitely take a cue from my 4 year old. I wish I could say that it was the other way around but Mya is constantly reminding me how to be a better person. 

She often reminds me to be thankful. It's amazing what one prayer of thanksgiving will do to a crappy mood. Even saying the blessing at dinner time changes my attitude from tired, worked up and irritated to calm, peaceful and appreciative.

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