Thursday, April 17, 2014

poor witto winter

Sunday was off to a rough start. Dan worked so I got the 3 girls ready for church on time shockingly enough and we arrived and parked at 9:00, got out of the car and Winter immediately fell and tripped on the curb and split her lip open. I heard the splat sound, then the cry and went around to the front of the car hoping there wouldn't be any blood but her face and hands were covered in it. We litterally hadn't been out of the car for more than a minute. The baby was still inside. So I got out the wipes and cleaned her up, lip still a little oozy. She got back on the edge of the curb and started walking, assuring me she wouldn't fall again.

Then about 2 minutes later as we were walking up to the nursery, Mya ran her over with the stroller and she fell to the ground in tears. I yelled at Mya out of frustration. She apologized and Winter headed to her class. I sent them all to their designated areas and headed to church by myself. Whew. Not even 9:15AM and exhausted.

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