Tuesday, April 22, 2014

poor witto addie

So, recently I wrote a post entitled mommy's stand-in where I talked about the many ways in which my children have faced danger. I mentioned that the baby had not yet experienced anything crazy. Well if I believed in jinxes I would totally think I jinxed poor Addie because she's had a rough week. Mya too. But I don't. It's all just coincidental. But I'll fill you in anyway. 

Friday, we visited my sister as we often do on Fridays. On our way, we picked up my mom. I took the baby out of the car and set her down on a brick wall about 2 feet off the ground so I could open the garage. Someone (Mya) bumped the car seat and it fell off the wall onto it's side with the baby buckled in of course. She cried for about 2 seconds and was fine. In hindsight, I could have just set the car seat on the ground while I opened the garage... Next time. 

While at my sister's house, the girls wanted to go swimming but we were not prepared. It's April. I grabbed some water wings from my mom's house but only two of them didn't have holes in them so Winter was the obvious choice. There were some other kids over so they all played in the jacuzzi. It's a pretty big jacuzzi. Mya and Winter can't touch the bottom but they can walk around the side where the step is. So that's where Mya played mostly. I stayed about 5 feet away pretty much expecting to pull someone out. I assumed it would be Winter even though she had floaties on. I thought she may take them off quickly and jump in the middle just because. They actually played a long time, probably about an hour. Winter wanted to take the floaties off and Mya wanted to wear them but I explained to Mya that Winter would definitely make mommy go in the jacuzzi in her clothes and I just didn't feel like it. A few minutes before we were ready to go inside, Winter bumped Mya and sent her into the middle of the jacuzzi. She was just far enough in that I had to lay down on my belly and reach in and grab her. Her giant Bambi eyes were looking at me, freaking out. Even though I was watching her, it shook us both up quite a bit. 

I forgot to mention in mommy's stand-in that Winter almost drowned in the very same jacuzzi last summer. She removed her floatie, sunk immediately and her 4-year-old cousin informed us that she was under water. Both Dan and I were in the pool a few feet away. That still gives me goose bumps. 

Monday was probably the most I've ever freaked out. The morning did not start well. I was feeding the baby when Mya informed us that the toilet water was rising higher and higher in the downstairs bathroom. Dan was upstairs in the bathroom yelling down to find out what was going on. I surveyed the area and told him it was fine. Then I noticed the water slowly leaking onto the ground. I yelled up at Dan that the toilet was overflowing, put the baby in her bouncy chair, grabbed some towels and ran back to the bathroom to start cleaning up. 

I heard a noise then the baby started screaming. I'm not sure how it happened but the chair fell off of the corner glass table. The baby was hanging upside down against the wall buckled in the chair a few inches off the ground. Either the chair came apart or the baby moved it and it was close enough to the edge to fall off. 

I grabbed her quickly and she continued to scream loudly. Dan checked her out to make sure she was okay. I was a mess. I'm filled with guilt and anxiety as I write this. We have put that chair on that table with all three girls and not once has anything ever happened like that. Nevertheless, the baby is now always on the ground in whatever chair she is in. 

(imagine a baby in the chair)

not cool...

she survived

We discovered that the overflowing was caused by someone (Winter) trying to flush a "diaper" (kotex) down the toilet. Those have been removed from the downstairs bathroom along with anything else that poses any threat. 

When I get to heaven, I'm going to ask God how many times He intervened where my children's safety was concerned and I know I'm going to be amazed.

I used to hear stories like this and think, "What negligent parents!" Now I know that stuff happens. I just have to pray for God's protection over my precious little ladies and try my best not to do anything too stupid. 

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