Wednesday, April 30, 2014

5 months

She looks innocent doesn't she. Well she's not. She's a little stinker. This is the face she makes before she takes a big bite out of my nipple. Yes, Addie now has teeth. Mya and Winter both got their first tooth at 8 months and never bit me. I know it's surprising, but Winter never bit me. Addie has two and oh she bites. She bites hard. I don't know what to do. Usually I just jump and curse a little. Dan thinks it's hilarious. I've been waiting a little longer between feedings, understandably, but I don't want to starve the poor girl. I can't put her on a time-out. She's too young for a spanking. It used to be such a calming experience, breastfeeding. Now it's a little scary. 

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