Tuesday, June 24, 2014

a few of my favorite things

It's the little things in life that make me happy...

Drinking a cup of coffee while sitting down and talking with friends.
A long hot shower after camping for a few days.
Enjoying tea and a cookie after the kids are in bed.
Staying up late snuggling and talking with my husband like we did when we were dating.
Toast with avocado
A game of canasta
Sitting up at the top of a ski run before I go down and just taking in the view and the cold air.
Sitting in a jacuzzi with a glass of wine.
Summer nights with neighbors.
Watching fireworks with my kids, watching their eyes get big.

Belly laughs. The ones that are almost uncontrollable.
Baby thighs.
Baby tummies.
Seeing that giant smile when I walk into the room after Addie's had a long nap.
That first bite of a really good sandwich with everything on it.
Playing poker 'till 3AM.
Night swimming (when the pool is warm)
Walking with Dan on the beach by the water at night with just the moonlight guiding us.
Sitting down with my hotdog and beer at Dodger Stadium.
Waking up after a bad dream and realizing everything is ok.
The feeling I get after I finish a long run and begin walking to cool down.
Trader Joe's ice cream cookie sandwiches.

Coldstone's coffee icecream with butterfinger in it.
Ice cold Shock Top Rasberry Wheat Ale. Not too sweet. Perfect.
Hugging Dan after he's been at work for a while.
Watching Mya and Winter play together happily.
The moment after the door closes and Dan and I look at each other and smile because the kids are with the babysitter and we have the next few hours to ourselves.
Floating in a pool, lake, or river on a raft, not a bee in sight.
Snorkling in Hawaii with Dan, coming up for air and he tells me what all the names of the fish are.
Sitting down at a movie theater with candy, popcorn and soda anticipating a movie I'm really excited about seeing.
Going into my kids' bedrooms after they are asleep and giving them a kiss on the forehead and thinking about all the things I love about them. 

Getting dressed up and going out to dinner with Dan to our fav Italian restaurant.
Being on a boat; any boat.
Eating a CPK's barbeque chopped chicken salad with a friend at the Glendale location overlooking Brand Blvd. 
Birthday shopping for clothes all by myself.
When it's raining, getting in my cozy robe and fuzzy socks while drinking something hot and watching the rain fall.
Sitting on a balcony at sunrise overlooking the ocean with a cup of coffee.
Sitting on a balcony at sunset overlooking the ocean with a glass of wine :)

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