Wednesday, June 11, 2014

spinning out of control

We were at Finkbiner park in Glendora a few days ago. They have a spinning chair that is kind of shaped like an off center bowl. When you sit in it, you start to spin a little. 

Winter loves to push the limits. She loves to go way high on the swings "up to the clouds" and loves to go fast on her bike. She told Mya to spin her around really fast in the spinny bowl thing. I was talking with another mom I met at the park. I looked over to see Mya spinning Winter around and around and didn't really think about it. Then, I looked over again to see Winter's head bobbing in and out as the G force took over. I yelled over to Mya, "Mya, stop!" as I could see poor Winter losing control of her body. Then it happened. Winter was launched out of the spinny chair, flipped over backward and landed on her tummy in the good ol' wood chips. Every kid and mom at the park was staring in amazement. 

She was okay. She cried a little and sat down on a chair for a few, then went back to playing again. In retrospect, it was pretty funny, and impressive. At the time, a tad scary. 

I don't have a pic of the spinny chair but I do have a pic of Winter sitting in some little boy's car. I thought it was cute because typical Winter, drawn to the cool boy toys. As I was snapping the pic I overheard this:

Boy: Hey ummm, that's my car...
Winter: Okay, you can have it when I'm done with it. 

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