Tuesday, June 10, 2014

june kid quotes

Mya: When I'm 100, I can carry ALL of you!

Mya: When I'm big like you, I'm going to be a mommy and I'm going to have kids like us! (good luck with that!)

Winter: I really miss Uncle Michael and Daddy.

Mya: I love everybody... Except witches. They are mean.

Mya: I want to have my birthday at Chuck E Cheese again so Winter can ride all her favorite rides. (too sweet)

Mya: (looking at the fruit of the loom label on her shirt) Did you get this at the same store where Daddy buys his juice stuff? (Sprouts)

Me: What should we get Levi for his birthday?

Winter: We can get him necklaces for his mama!

Mya: I hear my heart beeping!

Mya: Mommy, can I have some tape?
Winter: No Mya, you just need to lick the paper.

Winter: (Seeing a man in army fatigues at Target) Why does that man got on his jammies?

Things I've said lately...

What are you putting all over your legs? Is that lemonade?

Stop licking the puzzle.

Get your feet out of the toilet!

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