Saturday, June 28, 2014

no fair

My kids haven't hit the "no fair" stage but I'm expecting it any day now. I'm not looking forward to it. As a kid, you expect everything to be totally and completely 100% fair. You want exactly the same amount of cake as the next kid. If your sister gets 5 gummy bears and you only get 4, you've got serious issues.

As an adult, you are a little more reasonable but still expect things to be fair...ish. Dan has recently gone through some very tough stuff at work lately. Both of us have felt angry and confused about it because it just is not a fair situation. But I realized something in the shower last night. (It's where I do my best thinking)

Sometimes life isn't fair. Sometimes, you don't get your way. Sometimes, you work hard and do your best and you are not rewarded. But if life were completely fair, we would be rewarded for every good thing we did BUT we would also be punished for every bad thing we did too. Imagine if there was a cop following you ticketing you for every time you went over the speed limit or rolled through a stop sign. I'm okay with life not being completely fair.

Sometimes you get what you deserve and sometimes you don't. But either way, life is not always fair to everyone.

This whole idea of fair reminds me that there was a man who was treated unfairly and died for sins he did not commit. And he did this so that we wouldn't get what we deserved... death. Christ died so that we could live. Dying on the cross was the ultimate "no fair." But God is totally fair. Kind of awesome how that works.

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