Sunday, June 15, 2014

my dan

Since it's Father's Day, and Dan says I should include him more in my blog since it is an ongoing scrapbook of our family, I've decided to write a very detailed post about the #1 man in my life. You asked for it Honey!

I could go on and on about all the things that make my husband wonderful but that would be boring. Yes he's annoyingly good at everything. He studies his bible and prays. He can fix anything. He's good at sports. He's good with money. He cooks. He cleans. He has a green thumb. He's responsible, generous and caring and puts his family first. He's an amazing dad and an even better husband. He is a loyal friend. He's everything anyone would want in a husband... and a wife for that matter. 

There. Now that that's out of the way, I can get to the fun stuff. I thought I would write a list of things that amuse me about Dan. Here are 50 things you may not know about Mr. Wagenbrenner. I write this post with a smile. I keep it on the QT but I actually love these things about him even though I usually act annoyed. 

  • He gets angry at 99.9% of all drivers on the road.
  • He secretly wants to run over bicyclists too.
  • He will not admit it but he loves his best friend Bill more than anyone else in the world, including me.
  • He doesn't like sandwiches. When he has to eat them, he prefers them dry with no mayo.
  • If he could eat good sushi, drink beer and watch the dodger game every night of the week for the rest of his life he would.
  • He needs a 7-14 day warning followed by a 24 hour reminder if we are going somewhere that he has to talk to people and smile. 
  • He would rather talk to women than men because he has "nothing in common with men." (I guess hunting, fishing, camping, drinking beer, and being a firefighter don't count)
  • He grows dimples after a few beers.
  • Every time we go to Dodger Stadium, he buys a Dodger dog and puts a gallon of mustard on it because he can't stand the taste of hot dogs. 
  • He usually skips lunch because nothing sounds good. (probably because he doesn't like sandwiches)
  • He likes to eat things that are piping hot and burn his mouth because "it is so good like that."
  • He is a member of a duck hunting club but he doesn't like to eat duck. 
  • There is not one grocery store within 10 miles that meets his standards. 
  • He is grumpy in the morning and super loving in the early evening. 
  • He always wants a hug when I am annoyed with him.
  • He hugs everyone he likes. Neighbors, friends, waitresses, family...the dogs.
  • He cannot pronounce most big words correctly.
  • When he is telling me about a call he went on, he cannot remember the gender of the patient.
  • He does not remember any of his teachers' names and can only remember half of the schools he attended.
  • He wants to get rid of Facebook but he's on it 10 times a day.
  • Moms that park incorrectly at preschool are at the top of the list of things that really get his blood boiling. Re-registration preschool fees are a close second. 
  • If we are 3 minutes late to church, he's pretty upset. 
  • He gets really loving at weddings.
  • He secretly has a huge heart and he cries easily.
  • He doesn't let me use his keys because I lose them. Same goes for his sweatshirts and sandals.
  • If we have a son, he wants to name him Angus after ACDC's guitar player, Angus Young.
  • He doesn't want me to buy chips but always asks if we have any.
  • He wears an XL shirt when he really should wear a large.
  • He doesn't like new socks because they are "too soft."
  • He claims to be "easygoing."
  • He drinks tea because coffee is too much work to make.
  • Homer Simpson is his hero.
  • He farts A LOT... almost as much as Addie. And he always says, "Wups, excuse me!" like he's surprised.
  • He is very colorblind. Light pink is light blue and light blue is light pink but not always. Red and green lights are interchangeable. It is impossible for him to tell the difference between black and navy blue.
  • He has always claimed he has "super sperm" since before we even started trying to make babies... he may be right about that one.
  • He has awful handwriting that not even he can read a lot of the time.
  • He doesn't like telling people that he's a firefighter.
  • He VERY secretly loves to play World of Warcraft. (not so secret anymore!)
  • He chews his fingernails and when his fingernails are gone, he chews his fingers. 
  • He gets carnitas and a margarita on the rocks with no salt every time we go to Max's. We've gone there about once a week for 7 or 8 years. And he always says, "no salt" two times. 
  • He tackles the dogs on a regular basis so that they know he's the boss.
  • He has banned stickers, markers, play dough, cups without lids and beads in the house because they make messes.
  • He always wants to know who I'm texting.
  • He is an extremely loud sneezer. He usually scares the baby and hurts himself. 
  • He is very pro-meat and very anti-vegetarianism but secretly loves my fake chicken nuggets.
  • According to him, eating meat together 'till death do us part was one of our wedding vows.
  • He loves the beach but only goes twice a year because of the sand, saltwater, hot sun, horrible parking and droves of people.
  • He loves babies but doesn't have a clue what to do with them.
  • He likes to pay in cash at the drive through even though they accept credit cards and it's just as fast.
Honey you are a nut. But you're my nut and I love you just the way you are. Happy Father's Day!!

(This message is Dan approved)

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