Friday, October 31, 2014


It is a very sad time when you get older and realize you are too big to dress up and go trick-or-treating or run into the living room to see what Santa brought you. At some point you just outgrow it all. Then you have kids. And it starts all over. It is so fun to experience it all again through them. They are getting old enough to really enjoy it too. 

This year Dan asked if we could just wear some of the costumes we already had instead of buying $30 new ones (times two) at Target since we already have a "dress up bin." I gave it a try, expecting some whining and sad girls but they both were excited to go pick out their favorite princess dress every time there was another reason to dress up for Halloween. We did several trick-or-treat type things. There was Trunk-or-treat at church then school parties then downtown Glendora after school then actual trick-or-treating around the neighborhood tonight. It was great! We didn't even have to buy candy this year. We just recycled ;)

Winter: Mommy where are we going?
Me: Downtown Glendora to get candy!
Winter: Yay! I love Dora!
She does love Dora. 

I love that other people are taking pictures of my kids for me. I get pictures from Winter's teacher almost daily.

And a friend who stayed for the festivities at Mya's school sent these to me today. They have a costume parade followed by a party. Sounds like the perfect day to me!

I stayed home with the baby while she ate cheerios and bananas. 

Then we dressed her up in her first Halloween outfit. This is a momentous occasion in more ways than one. It is the first time she's worn something in her hair long enough to take a picture AND she's wearing fancy socks. Found those in an old diaper bag yesterday. I should clean out my bags more often.

This is why people reproduce I think. OMG. Seriously. Who wouldn't want one of these?

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