Friday, November 20, 2015

10 points for babies, -10 for mommy

Tuesday morning after I dropped off the big girls at school, I decided to go to the only store I take both babies really, TARGET. It's safe there. The aisles are big and there are other moms pushing strollers and it's .5 miles from home in case of a poopie diaper blowout. And there is a starbucks inside. And it's Target. Who doesn't love it there? I told myself we needed eggs but really I was going to try to look for the perfect sweater that would complete my every outfit this Fall. 

I always think to myself, what's the best way to carry the babies today? How much am I buying? Do I take the stroller and the Ergo (baby carrier)? The car seat and a cart? The Ergo and a cart? So many choices. I opted for the Ergo and the stroller. I would get the most time out of the two (so I could browse the sweaters). Angus would fall asleep in the Ergo and Addie would stay happily in the stroller if I bought her a pretzel (another reason to go to Target).  In the cart she always turns around, tries to get out and touches everything and tries to open stuff. (See my Adventures in Groceryland post)

So before I loaded up the kids, I put my Target card and coupon in my pants pocket for easy access, my phone in my other pants pocket in case I needed my cartwheel ap and my keys hanging around the stroller handle so I didn't have to dig around in my purse after I had a bunch of groceries and cranky babies. I was feeling smart and on top of things as I walked in the store. I strolled over to starbucks to grab a misto and then over to the snack shop to buy a pretzel for Addie. We went to the grocery section first just in case we didn't have enough happy baby time for both grocery and sweater shopping. 

Just as I was finishing up grocery shopping Angus fell asleep in the Ergo and Addie was still content with her pretzel so I thought I would press my luck and check out the clothes. I found a few cute things and walked to the checkout with a smile on my face. What a perfect Target trip this was shaping up to be. As I got in line, Addie started to get restless and Angus woke up from his Ergo nap. I talked to Addie (who threw her pretzel at me while shouting NONONO!) as I bounced Angus while trying to hurry up and get everything I had stuffed in the stroller on to the counter. I am always amazed at how much I can squeeze into that bottom stroller basket and my favorite Trader Joe's bag I hung on the handle. 

As the checkout lady was ringing up my groceries I pulled out my Target card and coupon still feeling awesome and handed her the coupon and swiped my card. Addie continued to fuss saying, ow! ow! (out) and Angus was now grabbing my face and chewing on my chin. One by one I stuffed bags in the stroller and hung them on the stroller handles. The checkout clerk looked at me like I was an idiot and asked if I'd prefer a cart. Yeah, that's just what I needed. As if I didn't already have my hands full. So I politely said no and tried to deal with fussy Addie. I just needed my receipt so I could leave. 

I started to walk away a little like I was leaving but the lady told me that the coupon didn't go through so I needed to come back. I said, "No it's fine, I'll use it next time! Can I just get my receipt?" Addie started crying because I wouldn't let her get out or play with my coffee cup. She continued to say ow! ow! (out) Then the checkout lady informed me that I needed to swipe my Target card again because she canceled the transaction so I could use my coupon. Why would she do that??! I already threw my card in my purse. Did she know what a pain in the butt it would be to find it again? Ugh! 

Well after a minute of Angus hanging upside down in the Ergo I found the card in my purse. So I left fussy Addie in the stroller on the other side of the checkout and backed up to the dumb card swiping machine and gave it an angry swipe as Angus clawed at my face. I rolled my eyes at the situation blaming the checkout lady entirely. 

Just then Addie managed to wiggle out of her stroller buckle and stand up in the stroller. Her 24 pounds was not enough to balance out the heavy bags hanging from the stroller handles so the stroller fell over backward and Addie went with it. 

Everyone gasped and the checkout lady was like, "OH MY GOSH! I'm sorry! Is she okay??!" I replied, "Yeah she's fine." as I picked up the stroller and sat crying Addie down in her seat and buckled her in again. "Can I just get my receipt?" I begged feeling totally defeated, keeping both hands on the stroller. "Here you go." She said. "Are you sure she's okay? I'm so sorry!" Not really sure why she was apologizing, I assured her she was just fine. And I know she was fine because the groceries broke her fall. The eggs to be exact. I could see the yellow yolk oozing out of the carton as I left the store. 

But on the upside I did find this fabulous sweater!

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