Friday, November 6, 2015


As a mom of four, I tend to let the kids do a little more than I would if I were a mom of 1 or 2. For instance, when I see Addie performing a pretty crazy balancing act to get into and out of the baby swing, I sit back and watch. She climbs in while the swing is moving then somehow flips around to her back without falling out. I let her do it since she's only a foot away from the floor and it improves her balance. What's the worst that could happen?

Well as I was getting ready to get rid of it, as a final farewell, Addie lost her balance and did a complete face plant without even using her hands to break her fall. Just one tooth actually... The one that is higher up than all the rest. 

We took her to the children's dentist and I guess it is supposed to grow back out where it was before, and it's not broken hallelujah. 

No prob bob. 

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