Thursday, November 12, 2015

more random

This may be what Winter will look like 45 years from now... 
She was under the weather the other day. Just a cough and runny nose but she stayed home from school and laid around and watched movies. As I was kissing her goodnight I told her that she was a really good girl. I like to remind her of that on a regular basis in hopes that it sinks in and stops her from misbehaving so much. But her reply was, "Yeah (like duh) cuz I was sick today!"

Not sure what to say about this pic except that it was just too cute to leave out.

Mya is obsessed with curly hair. She always wants her hair braided so it can be curly when I take the braids out. Her hair is so super straight that this only lasts like an hour.

I found this stick horse at a swap. They love it. This does not look like a good idea...

Here is Winter helping make cookies last week. She is in heaven in the kitchen. She's going to make an great wifey some day =) 

What? Isn't that what the cup holder on a stroller is for? I really didn't notice how bad this looked until I put all of the groceries away and was left with this sight. 
It's his fav.

This is Angus's new thing. I'm not sure if he's hungry or teething...or both. I'm glad I can offer him my chin when he needs it.

For some reason I was really set on at least taking a picture of the babies in a Halloween costume even though they didn't go anywhere on Halloween. I felt bad that Mya and Winter have pictures as babies dressed up on Halloween, probably a few different ones too. 

This is as close as Angus got to wearing a Halloween costume this year. An orange onesie. Mari gave me some cute costumes for Addie and Angus but they are in a bag upstairs. Next year kids!

We waited years to cut Mya's and Winter's hair, 4 for Mya's. We'll probably wait years to cut Addie's as well. But Angus is a boy so I've already taken it upon myself to give him a little trim. Just like a half inch off the top of the mohawk. All of the kids have had mohawks for some reason. That's just the way their hair falls out. It hasn't been so cute on the girls but I'm loving it on the boy =)

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