Friday, November 27, 2015


We made it to two! As I recall from the other two, I think this is where the fun begins. 

I heard an uh oh from the other room. Uh oh is never good. But something tells me this wasn't an accident. 

Every animal is a goggy (doggy) or a wushie (horsie) right now. I think this is a wushie. 

Every morning Addie asks for wawa, yaya and bobby. Good thing I speak toddler and get her water, cereal and a gummy vitamin. It's a fun age when they are learning to talk. It's pretty cute I must say. Let's see, a few more... Pacifier is apashi. Amen is UHMAN! Outside is ah hiii. Balloon is boooo. Moon is mooooo. Grandma is MAMA, always said with lots of excitement or squealing. I'm Mommy, not mama and it is always a yell. Mommy!

Happy birthday my Addie. You are little girl with a big presence. When you are not performing to get attention you are running the show. You have everyone in the house wrapped around your little finger. Not sure how that happened but you're the boss around here. What you say goes. You know exactly what you want at all times. You are smart and remember everything. You are tidy and efficient. Your hobbies right now include eating, closing doors and cupboards, playing outside with the neighbor kids and yelling at your sisters.  And you LOVE to swing. You call it wawyyyy. I think that means ride. Your favorite people include Grandma, Rylie Anderson and Buddy (brother)

You are SOOOOOO cute. Love your squishy cheeks and your teeny tiny nose.

Happy 2nd birthday baby!

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