Sunday, November 1, 2015

me day

Tuesday I took a LONG overdue me day. It was glorious, amazing, awesome, lovely and perfect. I left the 3 girls with Dan and took the baby to my mom's. He still won't take a bottle, the little stinker, so I had to come back and feed him every few hours but it was still awesome to get to be by myself all day for the most part.

I started at Starbucks where I got a seasonal latte and read a book about how to be a better mom on my kindle ap. I had to leave when a very smelly lady came and stood a few feet away. I was going to give her a dollar or something but she started talking to herself and smelled like she had been peeing her pants for months. I figured she wouldn't know what to do with money. Sad. So I left.

Then I had lunch with my dear friend Elizabeth. I just love her and don't see her often enough. I always let her pick the restaurant because she loves to research the new great spots to eat. She found this awesome little spot between her house and my mom's house. It's in Glendale located up Chevy Chase by the country club. Super cute, trendy and hidden. Don't I look so happy? I couldn't smile any bigger with a mouth full of food.

Next I returned to feed the baby then off to get a pedi. I consulted with the lady on the best fall color and we agreed on this one.

She used hot stones to massage my calfs too. So nice. 

Then, since Dan was so sweet to agree to watch the kids all day after working 3 days straight, I decided to get the van washed for him. He really appreciates a clean car for some reason. And I actually like going to the car wash. I like to look at their large selection of greeting cards. 

Then I got some ice cream at cold stones, my fav ice cream spot. Salted caramel something with butterfinger in it. MMMMMMM!

I grabbed some flowers for my saint of a mother, dropped them off and headed to a semi-nearby thrift store. I was not impressed. What a dump. It's in Sunland. I think it was SunThrift or something. I'm so spoiled by the one I go to in Glendora with everything organized, labeled, clean... you know like a place of business. This one was just dirty, smelly, crap all over the place, nothing organized or labeled. I browsed the dirty store for about 5 minutes when mom texted me that Angus woke up so I headed back. 

Then we watched a movie while we waited for traffic to die down and home I went. What a great day!! 

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