Saturday, November 14, 2015

All of my crafts

Okay I made this into one big craft post. Only because it seems silly to make a bunch of posts about pseudo (wow. did not know how to spell that one!) crafts but I feel that I should document them in case of something... dunno, just in case.

It's craft time!! Yep, it's that time of year again. The fall GUM craft boutique is coming up in a couple of weeks. I get very excited about it. I love to think I'm crafty. I'm actually not really but I can follow directions on Pinterest.

Here's my first "craft." Home made bath paints. 

Super easy to make. And cheap too. It's shampoo, cornstarch and food coloring. I had all of that stuff. I bought some fun paintbrushes on for a few bucks.

My grandma always said I was really smart. I haven't proven her right since Mya was born (over 6 years ago) but I would make her proud with this little idea. Pure genius. I used egg cartons to hold the little cups and paint brushes. Come on! Well done Amie. 
Cost to me: $3ish

Next: Cookies in a jar! I had everything in my cupboards for oatmeal cookies so I went with that. 
Cost to me: $0

"Homemade" body wash. It's not really homemade. Basically you grate bar soap, add water and boil on the stove. I had almost everything already. I had to buy bar soap which is not as cheap as it used to be let me tell you. 
Cost to me: $5

Homemade play dough. Super cheap. Flour, salt, oil, cream of tartar and food coloring. We make play dough from time to time so I already had all of the ingredients in my kitchen.  
Cost to me: $0

And coasters again! Made from tiles and scrapbook paper. This literally cost me nothing since I had everything from last year. 
Cost to me: $0

Homemade bar soap. Had the stuff leftover from last year as well. I have a large craft section in our storage. Drives Dan nuts I'm sure.
Cost to me: $0

Picture frames made into dry-erase boards and chalk boards.
I think these came out okay. Obviously hand made but I'd use them so I'll see if someone else will. I got the frames at the thrift store for $1 or so. I had to buy the chalk board paper for a few bucks online too.
Cost to me: $10ish

And decorated mirrors. I think this one is funny because in the word flaw I accidentally used the stencil with the upper case W instead of the lower case one. Ironic isn't it? A flaw in the word flaw haha. Also, beautiful doesn't exactly fit but I made it happen and am not so pleased with the result. We'll see if someone takes pity on my attempt. 
Cost to me: $2

And star ornaments! These actually turned out pretty darn cute. Free to make AGAIN. Dan would be so proud of me if he knew how much money I DID NOT spend this year on crafts. I saw this on Pinterest. You take cardboard, cut it into a star and wrap yarn around it. So basic and easy. I used hot glue to make sure the yarn stayed on the ends. And craft wire to make a hook at the end. 
Cost to me: $0

When I'm in the crafting zone, I just can't seem to get out of it. So today, I wanted to see if I could make something with my nearly expired chocolate chips. Since the craft boutique is also a treat/bake sale. I searched my pantry and cupboards and came up with this:

Salted chocolate nut bark. I melted some chocolate in a double boiler and poured it over a pile of nuts and m&ms (left over from Halloween) I added some little hershy bars I also saved from the kids candy. After that, I added salt on top and popped it in the fridge. I've never made bark before and I probably did it wrong but I'm loving the way it came out. Soooo yummy. 
Cost to me: $0

I realize this seems like a lot but I only work on crafts for like 30 minutes a night. I started a month ago. So that's this year's crafts! 

Total Cost to me this year: Around $20! Not too shabby.

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