Saturday, November 28, 2015

I am a C. I am a CH. I am a C H R I S T I A N yeehaw!

Remember that song? I'll never forget how to spell christian thanks to that song. 

Sunday at church the youth pastor, Dave Newkirk, gave a great sermon that inspired me to share my love for Jesus today. Get ready I'm about to get a little Jesus freakish if you're not in to that sort of thing. 

I really have no idea who reads this blog. I have like 5 followers that include my mom and sister, my biggest fans. However, reports that around 30 people read it daily which is interesting and fun not knowing who these mystery readers are. I have to assume that they are not all believers of Christ, so I'm posting about Jesus to make sure all of my MANY many readers have heard the good news. 

And I have a hard time sharing in my normal day to day. I don't like to make people uncomfortable or awkward so I rarely ask my non believing friends and family if they have heard that Jesus died for their sins. Not okay, I know. But that's the fact of the matter. I would rather talk about my kids, the weather or pretty much anything else safe. 

So here it is, basically Jesus loves you. He loves everyone. He died on the cross for your sins and mine so that we could live in heaven with him one day. The penalty for sin is death. But He took our place so that we wouldn't have to die. That's it. Jesus loves you that much.

Hopefully you will think about that a little bit. I know most people have heard about Jesus at some point in their lives and have either chose to get on board the Jesus train or choose to take their own means of transportation. Trust me, you want to get on the train.

Try not to think about all the things you may or may not like about Christians or churches you've been to. It's not really about that. Yes, we represent the body of Christ but we are not perfect and we really shouldn't be the reason someone doesn't want to know more about Jesus. Everything you need to know is in the bible. If you want answers, feel free to start reading. 

Moms like to ask other moms things like, how do you do it? What's your secret? How are you surviving this madness known as motherhood? Well I'll tell you my secret. It's prayer and a lot of it. It's knowing that I have a friend who takes me just as I am and forgives my crazy behavior day after day. He renews my spirit each morning and holds my hand throughout the hard days and reminds me to love my children well and treat others how I want to be treated. His name is Jesus and I can't imagine life without Him.

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