Tuesday, November 3, 2015

thigh update

In case you were curious, they've grown.

Angus is 6 months old!! It happened a few days ago on the 1st. He's just the happiest guy ever. He smiles at anyone who looks at him. He eats A LOT, obviously. He still wakes me up a few times at night to eat. I feed him because he probably needs it. I'm cutting him off of the night feedings soon though. He's eating cereal but I've stopped feeding him lately because he chokes really easily so I want to talk to the doctor about it before I give him more food. This is such a happy time. I'm getting rid of baby stuff even before he grows out of it. I just can't wait. 

(I don't know why I love getting rid of stuff so much. I must have some deep-seated issue that stems from living in a cluttered apartment most of my life. It wasn't moms fault. She had 3 kids living in one room. What was she supposed to do?) 

I love this little guy so much! I know, it's expected. I just wasn't sure if the love would be the same with a boy. I know it so silly to think that way but I've never had one of these. And I've never been peed on so much in 6 months. Don't you just want to take both of your hands and put them on his cheeks and smush?! Love him.

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